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Id Attribute Added in v3.0.0


The Id Attribute plugin adds id attributes to headings on your page (<h1> through <h6>). This was added to allow deep linking to different sections of blog posts and is compatible with all template languages in Eleventy that output HTML. Related GitHub #3363.

  • Existing id attributes on your page will not be modified.
  • If two headings on the page have the same text, we’ll de-duplicate the id attributes we assign automatically.
  • If a heading’s text would result in a conflict with any existing id attribute on the page, we’ll de-duplicate the new id automatically.

This is best paired with a user interface piece to add anchor links to heading elements in an accessible way. A few options:


<h1>Welcome to Eleventy</h1>

is transformed into:

<h1 id="welcome-to-eleventy">Welcome to Eleventy</h1>

Ignore a node Added in v3.0.0

Use the eleventy:id-ignore attribute on a child node to ignore it (only for the purposes of id attribute generation).

<h1>Welcome to Eleventy<span eleventy:id-ignore> ignore this</span></h1>

is transformed into:

<h1 id="welcome-to-eleventy">Welcome to Eleventy</h1>


This plugin is bundled with Eleventy and requires no additional package installation (though you do need to opt-in via addPlugin).

import { IdAttributePlugin } from "@11ty/eleventy";

export default function (eleventyConfig) {
module.exports = async function (eleventyConfig) {
const { IdAttributePlugin } = await import("@11ty/eleventy");


With options

import { IdAttributePlugin } from "@11ty/eleventy";

export default function (eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addPlugin(IdAttributePlugin, {
selector: "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6", // default

// swaps html entities (like &amp;) to their counterparts before slugify-ing
decodeEntities: true,

// by default we use Eleventy’s built-in `slugify` filter:
slugify: eleventyConfig.getFilter("slugify"),

filter: function({ page }) {
if(page.inputPath.endsWith("test-skipped.html")) {
return false; // skip

return true;
module.exports = async function (eleventyConfig) {
const { IdAttributePlugin } = await import("@11ty/eleventy");

eleventyConfig.addPlugin(IdAttributePlugin, {
selector: "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6", // default

// swaps html entities (like &amp;) to their counterparts before slugify-ing
decodeEntities: true,

// by default we use Eleventy’s built-in `slugify` filter:
slugify: eleventyConfig.getFilter("slugify"),

filter: function({ page }) {
if(page.inputPath.endsWith("test-skipped.html")) {
return false; // skip

return true;

Other pages in Official Plugins: